Saturday, March 19, 2016

Your Old Movies

The hippocampus is basically the librarian in your brain. It keeps track of short and long term memories. The hippocampus tells us what happened in our lives. Memories that are the most meaningful to the hippocampus are those represented in our heads with pain or pleasure.
Likewise, unresolved trauma is kept track of in the hippocampus.
These memories are movies of your perceptions. All of your recollections are perceptions of your viewpoint. What I mean is, this is your movie. It is the way you viewed or perceived the events. Bottom line, your opinions are not always the truth .
What if you could take the events, the movies that your hippocampus finds significant (these are the things you replay in your head or the stories you repeat over and over to others) and get rid of the emotional anchors?
I think, like sickness/illness (the migraines for me), you can find your identity in some of the trauma or the old memories you replay. Do you ever find yourself saying something like "I was bullied as a child" or identifying yourself as one who was abused? What are the movies of your life?
To truly step into who you are meant to be, we are to leave the past behind. But, how in the world do we do that when these things replay or come up regularly in life? This is where we can go back to our tapping method I demonstrated in the video.
Are you ready to ditch the old movies? Are you ready to stop identifying with your past and focus on the amazing person you are now? If you are, I want you to write down 1-5 of the most significant events in your life emotionally. This would include anything you had a strong reaction to as a child and still can invoke a strong reaction when you think about it or relive it. Everyone has memories that were traumatic. What is traumatic to one, is not to another.
Finally, jot down a few memories that are your happiest. We will use both to help you get free and focus on what is true and real. #freedom #perception #youroldmovies #ditchthegobbledegook #changeyourbrain #changeyourreality

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