Monday, March 21, 2016

Come Alive - Dream!

#‎mindsetmonday‬ Do you find yourself focused on what the world, your parents, your spouse, your boss, your coworkers, or your relatives say you should be? 
What if you were to spend a few minutes and think about this instead.... what makes you come alive?? 
Friends, the world needs people who are truly alive!! So, what makes you come alive? 
To start thinking I want you to ponder these questions: Where does your heart long to go on vacation? What cities does your heart feel happiest when you think about or visit? What population of people do you truly enjoy? [For me, my population is children of all ages]. What activities make you come alive? If you could do any job, what would you feel the most content in?
Why not spend a few moments each day for the next week and just daydream? Think about if you could be anywhere, with anyone, doing anything -- what would it be?
Our focus for this group is fitness. So, I have always said it is important to find at least one thing fitness-wise that makes your heart happy. What is that one thing that you can do weekly or more often if possible? Now, daydream for a minute, what would make your heart happy to do fitness-wise?
You can choose to ‪#‎changeyourthinking‬ and really dream. By stepping into these dreams, you tap into who you really are meant to be. I know some of you may feel trapped by whatever your current circumstances are, but I want you to take time to dream - you are worth it and your dreams matter! By just dreaming you will begin to see things in a new light and with new hope. Doors will open. Trust me. I am living proof of this. Please, dream! ‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎comealive‬ ‪#‎changeisgood‬ #changeyourthinking ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

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