Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Beauty is a Mindset!

‪#‎mindsetmonday‬ Beauty (from the world's view) is a mindset. What and who is considered beautiful is ever changing. How can one reach true beauty in society's view? Is it not a fruitless search? Is it not like chasing the wind? Beauty is the means by which society deems value, but do we have to buy into that mindset?
I have found that trying to become whatever others say is beautiful has lead to sadness, depression, and self-hatred. When we put down our bodies, hate specific body parts, or say negative things about ourself - is this really life giving or life taking? 
Is this really where we want to be? Striving continuously to become whatever society deems is beautiful at this moment in time?
Or could we choose to shift our mindset? What if we chose to renounce the memories, the thought patterns, and societal gobbledegook that taught us this mindset? 
Here are some steps to do this:
1) Identify the things you are agreeing with. (For instance, I have been in agreement that only thin women are pretty).
2) Choose to hold every thought captive. In other words, think, "Does this thought help me or hurt me?" Then if it is brain trash, throw it away - literally! Take it out of your head with your hand and throw it away. I know it sounds crazy, but it helps. I teach kids to do this all the time at my work. 
3) Replace any icky thoughts with something that is true and real about you. For instance, "I am worth a lot!"
4) Choose to not expose yourself to whatever triggers the most negative thoughts. 
I have come a long way from self-condemnation and self-hatred and now agree with who I really am. I see my value and it is not determined by the mirror or the scale. You are of great value! You are an orginal! ‪#‎renewyourmind‬ ‪#‎changeyourmind‬ ‪#‎mindset‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality

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