Monday, March 28, 2016

Take off those Sunglasses

‪#‎mindsetmonday‬ Having a mindset that leads you into negativity, condemnation, or other gobbledegook is like having sunglasses on. These sunglasses affect your ability to perceive reality. They taint all you do and see.
Going with this analogy, my goal with ‪#‎changeyourreality‬ fitness is to get you to take off those funky sunglasses, be able to really see life as it is, and believe you are of great worth. 
I have encouraged you to stand at the door of your thought life. Do not let any thoughts in that are not of you. The icky thoughts start out as a drop, create a stream, and then become a cascade of powerful gobbledegook. This creates a channel in your brain and in your life. That is when you are in complete agreement about something that was said to you or whatever, that is not true.
For me one of these channels was, "I will never lose weight." I came into agreement with this in a big way. Every diet failed which reinforced the pass/fail mindset and also reinforced this massive gobbledegook. Think of the sunglasses I had on with this thought pattern. This mindset affected the way I saw eating, going to the doctor, dating, health, and, of course, exercise.
Please be an advocate for yourself. Listen to your thoughts and what you say to others about you. Listen for things you always put yourself down about. This often represents a mindset you have believed about yourself that simply isn't true. Listen for things like "I never..." "I always..." etc.
You can, absolutely, change these thought patterns. You can choose to hold these thoughts captive, to renew your mind with the truth, and walk powerfully into the future.
Take off those sunglasses, agree with the amazingness that makes you unique, and run the race.
‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎breakickythoughtpatterns‬ ‪#‎agreewiththetruth‬‪#‎ditchthegobbledegook‬ ‪#‎changeyourmindsets‬ #changeyourreality

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