Saturday, June 25, 2016

Fear and Exercise...

Often we are limited by our fears. I see many fears consistently in the fitness world:
1. Fear of injury
Many fear they will get hurt or become sicker if they exercise. In my own story, I found nothing could be further from the truth. It was the lack of inactivity that made me feel worse.
When beginning an exercise program, take it slowly. Note that as a beginner you may feel a muscle twang or twitch, but you are just moving your body in a new way. It is important to be able to note the difference between muscles that are tired and genuine pain. If anything truly hurts, just stop. It is okay to try half of a class or even just one song. That's what I used to do. When I first started exercising, I would only do the first song of Jazzercise and then leave. I guarantee you, no one will judge you. I have found the exercise community to be very supportive and want to help us in any way they can. So, take care of yourself (if you are beginning a new program) and do what you can. 
Other ideas to decrease likelihood of injury:
Get the right shoes. Wearing old shoes can lead to all kinds of problems. Invest in a quality pair of shoes to give your body the support it needs. If you are in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area I HIGHLY recommend the store Running Wild (specifically, Joe at Coralville store - he is remarkable!!)
Learn proper form. If you attend fitness classes, ask the instructor to help you with your form. This is especially important in weight lifting. Ask questions. You will never seem foolish or needy when you ask about form. I STILL ask about form ALL OF THE TIME! 
2. Fear of looking like you don't know what you are doing
It makes me sad when people will not try something out of their comfort zone because they are afraid people will think they are not doing it well or right. As a talented instructor said to me once, "It's YOUR class. Get what you want from it!" She's right! When you are exercising, it is for your own benefit - so go for it! Want to try skateboarding or roller blading again, but feel you might look like an idiot? Who cares! Why not give it a go and figure out if you like it and if it is a good workout for you. Let's stop focusing on the opinions of others and just find joy in our workouts!
3. Fear of sweating
It is normal to sweat! Sweating is really good for you and removes toxins from your body. It also cools the body off. When you are at the gym and finish a workout your sweat is kind of a badge of your hard work. Do not feel embarrassed. If you want you can shower immediately, but do not let the opinions of what others will think of how you look keep you from exercising!
If you're worried about sweating and/or body odor, there are some basic steps you can take like wearing sweat-wicking clothes (so the sweat leaves your body more freely) and different deodorants. 
5. Fear of failure
We talk about this all the time when we look at fixed vs. growth mindsets. Often people will feel like they are going to fail (fixed mindset) so they do not even want to try.
Guess what, friends. You will most likely fail the first time you try something new, but if you go and do that same thing again - you will be one step closer to doing it well. You will make progress quickly - I promise. Don't give up!
Stop letting fear of failure drive your life! No longer do I let this fear keep me from trying something new. In fact, if I feel scared of something I run right out and do it immediately! Nothing smashes fear like doing whatever you are afraid of. This is why I always ask you to examine your comfort zone and push beyond it.
‪#‎letgooftheopionsofothers‬ ‪#‎livefearlessly‬ ‪#‎youareworthit‬‪#‎changeyourmindsets‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

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