Saturday, June 25, 2016

Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness involves training the body for daily life activities. These exercises equip your body to handle real-life situations. Specifically, the focus is on increasing balance/stability, strength, and decreasing the risk of injury. 
Yesterday, I boarded a plane to leave Belize. I had to carry my heavy carry-on bag up some pretty steep stairs. I am delighted to say it was no trouble at all for me!! As I carried it, I thought of two things: 1) Thank God for BodyPump - that class, in particular, has really strengthened all muscles in my body; 2) I never could have done this two years ago -- in fact, I would have had to have someone else carry the bag and then use both of my hands to pull myself up those steep stairs. Yea for small victories!!
What are you doing in your current workouts to make you better able to handle life? Have you found that you can now do something functionally you could not do before? (For instance, lifting your child, carrying heavy groceries, shoveling snow, etc.)
Functional Fitness is all about strengthening your core and balance. Is your current workout addressing these areas? Look at the link below for simple exercises to increase your functional fitness level. ‪#‎takesafewminutes‬‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎lookathowstrongwearenow‬‪#‎abletohelpothersratherthanneedotherstohelpus‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

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