Saturday, June 25, 2016

Blame - The Ultimate Disabler

mindsetmonday‬ When you think about what happened to you -- as a child, in a relationship or marriage, at work, or in your family -- what do you think about? Are you blaming someone? Did you know that when you blame someone you are actually hurting yourself - it is the ultimate disabler. If you are blaming it makes you get stuck and feel sick. 
No matter what was done to you, you have a choice of how you feel and what you think about it. We cannot control other people's behaviors, but we can control how we respond to them or think about them. Forgiveness never excuses behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart
So, consider shifting your thought patterns. When you take some ownership (for instance, even just acknowledging your emotions you are feeling about the situation/issue/memory) that can be empowering and will help you to let it go. Consider pairing this with the tapping strategy I have posted videos and release the strong feelings tied to your heart.
‪#‎youhaveachoice‬ ‪#‎ownyouremotions‬ ‪#‎changeyourmindsets‬‪#‎changeyourthoughts‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness involves training the body for daily life activities. These exercises equip your body to handle real-life situations. Specifically, the focus is on increasing balance/stability, strength, and decreasing the risk of injury. 
Yesterday, I boarded a plane to leave Belize. I had to carry my heavy carry-on bag up some pretty steep stairs. I am delighted to say it was no trouble at all for me!! As I carried it, I thought of two things: 1) Thank God for BodyPump - that class, in particular, has really strengthened all muscles in my body; 2) I never could have done this two years ago -- in fact, I would have had to have someone else carry the bag and then use both of my hands to pull myself up those steep stairs. Yea for small victories!!
What are you doing in your current workouts to make you better able to handle life? Have you found that you can now do something functionally you could not do before? (For instance, lifting your child, carrying heavy groceries, shoveling snow, etc.)
Functional Fitness is all about strengthening your core and balance. Is your current workout addressing these areas? Look at the link below for simple exercises to increase your functional fitness level. ‪#‎takesafewminutes‬‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎lookathowstrongwearenow‬‪#‎abletohelpothersratherthanneedotherstohelpus‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

Give Yourself Grace

During my time in Belize, it was very hot. I chose not to exercise all week long. As a result, coming back into my normal fitness schedule this week has been challenging. It is amazing to see what is lost with one week off. I could allow this to affect me -- maybe making me go lighter; I could even buy into old gobbledegook and say maybe "I am not strong enough" or whatever; I could condemn myself and say I was "so bad for not exercising." 
But, that's not who I am or who I have become. I am powerful and strong. I choose not to believe in an "all or nothing" type of mindset. I choose to give myself grace. I choose to go full throttle on my workouts and leap back into it all.
I think people use an "all or nothing" mindset all the time when it comes to exercise. Taking off a day for your workouts doesn't have to ruin your whole week. Taking off a week doesn't need to affect how you do the rest of the month. Give yourself grace. Life happens. Kids need things. Spouses can be demanding.
Why not to choose to ‪#‎changeyourthinking‬ by giving yourself grace and not giving up? Can you hold any critical thought captive -- that is brain trash - let it go!
Could you try writing out your fitness schedule for the week then analyze what worked, what didn't? Do you need to look at smaller bursts of exercise? Think of the those 10 minute high intensity training apps we have discussed before.
Remember friends, you need to a cheerleader for yourself! Give yourself compliments about your progress. (Share them on here and we will encourage you, too).
No matter what - you are worth it!! You are amazing! You are making progress! ‪#‎changeyourreality‬
#changeyourthinking ‪#‎ditchthefixedmindsets‬ ‪#‎giveyourselfgrace‬

Accountability and Your Fitness

How have you been doing in following through with the workouts you intend to do? Life is notorious for getting in the way of our ideal exercise schedule. 
I have found that there are always a bunch of reasons to skip my workout(s) for the day. What is helping me is to commit to others (specifically instructors and friends who normally attend) the day before via text.  
Why not post your exercise plans for the day or week here or message it privately to me if you feel self conscious. By making a commitment to someone else you will follow through with your plans! It works!

It is okay to take a break or day off, but I see people all the time who just give up or stop. You are better than that.
Think about how exercising and really sweating makes you feel. Not only does it give you energy, but doesn't it give you personal power, too?
We really do need each other.
No matter if you are a home, outdoor, gym, or fitness class exerciser committing to at least one person about your workouts will help you to follow through. Find someone who will not condemn. In the past, I have had some toxic friends/boyfriends who say negative body stuff or overanalyzed what I was eating. That isn't helpful. You need someone who is with you fully now and is on your side completely. Can you commit this week to letting at least one person know what you are doing for exercise? Remember, friends, it does not matter where you are at in your fitness journey. I would be absolutely proud of you if you wrote me and said you were going to try to walk 10 minutes a day. This is about starting where you are at now and committing to yourself to exercise.
I really do feel that telling someone (or writing it on our forum) will help you to follow through. Can you commit to your schedule for the week? You are so worth it!
‪#‎accountabilitypartners‬ ‪#‎supportingeachother‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

Are you a Victim of your Heredity?

Are you in agreement with issues/problems/illnesses/mindsets from your parents or other generations in your family? 
Have you recently said (or thought) "_______ runs in my family"? Are you a victim of your heredity? I know I used to identify the migraines as part of my heritage - which basically meant there was no way to escape it. It was a hopeless stance. Thankfully, I changed the way I thought and my health completely shifted!
A friend just shared with me a remarkable article featuring Bruce Lipton's research on DNA and thought patterns. Bruce states that it is "A person’s perception, not genetic programming [that] spurs all action in the body: 'It’s actually our beliefs that select our genes, that select our behavior...Perception of the environment is not necessarily the reality of the environment. In every one of your cells, you have genes whose function it is to rewrite and adapt genes as necessary...Perception rewrites genes,” Lipton explained.
Whether you agree with Bruce's ideas or not, it is important to consider them. Here is the deal, friends. We know how powerful it is when we choose to change the way we think! We have seen it in this forum. 
What if you were to no longer be in agreement with the generational issues of your family? What if you stopped saying, "____ runs in my family and that is why I struggle with it"? How are these generational issues affecting your fitness routines? Your families? Your relationships? Your health? Your happiness?
My feeling is this, your words have power! Agreement has power! Think of shifting that power and agreement by shifting your words. Change your mindset about your heritage.
by Tara MacIsaac, The common idea that DNA determines so much of who we are—not only our eye or hair color, for example, but also our addictions, disorders, or susceptibility to cancer—is a misconc…

What is Your Identity Based In?

‪#‎mindsetmonday‬ What is your identity based in? Just take a moment and think when you meet a new person what is the first piece you use to identify yourself?  
Growing up the focus for me was on accomplishments, degrees earned, and my profession. So my go to was, "I'm Katherine, I'm an elementary school counselor." 
Living in Chicago was fascinating because the main question people would ask after finding out your name is, "What is your nationality?" So, in Chicago, people defined themselves through their nationality. It also would explain which neighborhood you lived in.
What is your identity rooted in? Being a mother? Your profession? A hobby?
I was thinking about this during a personal training session today. I was thinking, "I am an athlete!" My trainer worked with the University of Iowa baseball team. He trains athletes and I am an athlete. This is part of my identity I want to focus on and agree with more.
Why is it important to find where your identity is rooted? When the most important thing about me was my profession - it limited me. I am a school counselor, but I am also an encourager and motivator. I think when I only focused on accomplishments (like getting good grades, getting a master's degree, or whatever) it was limiting and gave me a spirit of perfection and drivenness. But, when I root my identity in who I am and what is remarkable about me (not focusing on the opinions of others) I can see myself clearly and celebrate what is positive about me. 
So, think for a minute. What is remarkable about you? What makes you uniquely awesome? Can you begin to think about that as part of your identity rather than just being your child's mom or your career? ‪#‎celebratewhoyouare‬ ‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎changeyourmindsets‬‪#‎changeyourthinking‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

Comparison Steals Joy

I had an interesting conversation with a woman today before our class started. She said she wished that she could go to a class where everyone started at the same level as beginners. She felt self-conscious about others being more advanced than she felt she was.
Her comment made me think about how, especially as women, we often compete with each other. I have heard women often say self-deprecating comments about: their bodies, what they eat, their intelligence, etc. Society tells us there is an ideal we must all strive for in every area of our lives. However, this ideal is never met and it leads to jealousy and comparison to those we think are meeting this so-called ideal.
But, what if we were to change our thinking? What if we were to go against what the world says? What if we chose not to compare ourselves to others? If notice you are starting to compare yourself to another person, could you hold the thought captive and throw it away as brain trash? Then replace it with a positive comment about yourself.
I get that in fitness, it can be motivating to compete with others. I just encourage you to listen to your thoughts if this is the way you get motivated. Are you thinking thoughts that are positive about yourself when you compete with another person? Or do your thoughts focus on all the things you are doing wrong and what the other person does well?
I think it is time we become our own fans! I have found it helpful to compete with myself. I like to see what I could not do a month ago, but can do today. To me this shows real progress!
What will you choose to think about? ‪#‎comparisonstealsjoy‬‪#‎competeagainstyourself‬
‪#‎beyourownfan‬ ‪#‎throwawaybraintrash‬ ‪#‎changeyourthinking‬‪#‎changeyourreality‬

Fear and Exercise...

Often we are limited by our fears. I see many fears consistently in the fitness world:
1. Fear of injury
Many fear they will get hurt or become sicker if they exercise. In my own story, I found nothing could be further from the truth. It was the lack of inactivity that made me feel worse.
When beginning an exercise program, take it slowly. Note that as a beginner you may feel a muscle twang or twitch, but you are just moving your body in a new way. It is important to be able to note the difference between muscles that are tired and genuine pain. If anything truly hurts, just stop. It is okay to try half of a class or even just one song. That's what I used to do. When I first started exercising, I would only do the first song of Jazzercise and then leave. I guarantee you, no one will judge you. I have found the exercise community to be very supportive and want to help us in any way they can. So, take care of yourself (if you are beginning a new program) and do what you can. 
Other ideas to decrease likelihood of injury:
Get the right shoes. Wearing old shoes can lead to all kinds of problems. Invest in a quality pair of shoes to give your body the support it needs. If you are in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area I HIGHLY recommend the store Running Wild (specifically, Joe at Coralville store - he is remarkable!!)
Learn proper form. If you attend fitness classes, ask the instructor to help you with your form. This is especially important in weight lifting. Ask questions. You will never seem foolish or needy when you ask about form. I STILL ask about form ALL OF THE TIME! 
2. Fear of looking like you don't know what you are doing
It makes me sad when people will not try something out of their comfort zone because they are afraid people will think they are not doing it well or right. As a talented instructor said to me once, "It's YOUR class. Get what you want from it!" She's right! When you are exercising, it is for your own benefit - so go for it! Want to try skateboarding or roller blading again, but feel you might look like an idiot? Who cares! Why not give it a go and figure out if you like it and if it is a good workout for you. Let's stop focusing on the opinions of others and just find joy in our workouts!
3. Fear of sweating
It is normal to sweat! Sweating is really good for you and removes toxins from your body. It also cools the body off. When you are at the gym and finish a workout your sweat is kind of a badge of your hard work. Do not feel embarrassed. If you want you can shower immediately, but do not let the opinions of what others will think of how you look keep you from exercising!
If you're worried about sweating and/or body odor, there are some basic steps you can take like wearing sweat-wicking clothes (so the sweat leaves your body more freely) and different deodorants. 
5. Fear of failure
We talk about this all the time when we look at fixed vs. growth mindsets. Often people will feel like they are going to fail (fixed mindset) so they do not even want to try.
Guess what, friends. You will most likely fail the first time you try something new, but if you go and do that same thing again - you will be one step closer to doing it well. You will make progress quickly - I promise. Don't give up!
Stop letting fear of failure drive your life! No longer do I let this fear keep me from trying something new. In fact, if I feel scared of something I run right out and do it immediately! Nothing smashes fear like doing whatever you are afraid of. This is why I always ask you to examine your comfort zone and push beyond it.
‪#‎letgooftheopionsofothers‬ ‪#‎livefearlessly‬ ‪#‎youareworthit‬‪#‎changeyourmindsets‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

Monday, April 11, 2016

Do I have to stay sick?

#mindsetmonday Let’s discuss the mindset of Condition vs. Event again. If you remember this is one that really runs against what society and the medical community says. One can either identify themselves as someone with a medical condition or illness (having this be part of your identity) or you can run against the mainstream and say whatever it is you are dealing with is simply an event - a short term circumstance and not a permanent state of being.
I used to have daily migraines and identified myself as one with “chronic pain.” In essence, I agreed with this condition and lived my life operating in a sick mentality. I would not commit to doing social things with friends because I knew I would have a migraine and be too sick; I did not go on any trips or vacations because I knew I would be too sick so I never even planned them; I did not do more than five minutes of exercise (such as walking the dog to the mailboxes) because I was just too sick and knew I would get sicker if I did.
Do you see how I lived in agreement with this mindset? I knew I was sick and would probably be sick for the rest of my life. It was a condition I had to somehow come to terms with, rather than an event. Learning that this was a mindset and that I could change my thinking, truly freed me and was one of the ways I became free of the daily headache. By renewing my mind and pushing out of my sick comfort zone - meaning I did whatever I thought I could not do. I began to live my life as a healthy person. I made plans with friends. I went on a short road trip to Chicago. I began exercising. This truly changed my reality.
However, yesterday, I woke up with a migraine. This, of course, is so unusual for me now.  However, a few of the old fears wanted to creep back. My initial thought was, “I better rest today so I don’t get sick.” I stopped and said, “No!”  I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this headache was just an event. I refuse to live in fear anymore! I know that migraines are not who I am. Therefore, I  went ahead and attended a CXWorx (a core class) and BodyJam class walking in the knowledge that this was an event and would leave soon -- it was gone by the afternoon.
Where are you with your aches and pains? What about diagnoses? What would happen if you changed the way you viewed whatever ailed you? Rather than seeing it as a life sentence - what if you saw it as an event that you would come through? How would you live your life differently? What if you changed the way you thought?
I am not recommending dropping medication or whatever your doctor recommends, I am only encouraging you to change the way you think about it.  I know, from my own experience, that often it is mind over matter and the things you think you cannot do you actually can.
#growthmindset #eventnotacondition #changeyourthinking #ditchfear #renewyourmind #livethelifeyouwant #changeyourreality

Monday, April 4, 2016

Leave the Past Behind

Do you live in the past? Do you replay past events (good or bad)? Sometimes people are their past. They are in complete agreement with who they were then, whatever was said to them, or what happened to them. This can lead into a victim type of mindset. In this mindset, your past speaks louder than your present and your potential.
What can you do to step away from living in the past? How do you create a way out? You may need to release some people - perhaps a toxic one or two that keeps you stuck in the past -- always reminding you of the past.
If you are focused on who you were, what you used to look like, perhaps a relationship you used to have - it is time to let that go. If there are strong feelings associated with it, try using the tapping technique outlined in the two videos I posted earlier.
By focusing on your past you leave little or no room for optimism in the future. Shift your focus. Look at the future (perhaps even the next minute or hour if you are in a state of crisis or true sadness) and know that joy comes in the morning. If you move forward with trust in your heart, walking with faith and stepping into the unknown life will be much better than if your focus is on the past.
#mindsetmonday #runtherace #leavethepastbehind #avictimnomore #agreementwithwhatistrueandreal #changeyourthinking #changeyourreality

Monday, March 28, 2016

Take off those Sunglasses

‪#‎mindsetmonday‬ Having a mindset that leads you into negativity, condemnation, or other gobbledegook is like having sunglasses on. These sunglasses affect your ability to perceive reality. They taint all you do and see.
Going with this analogy, my goal with ‪#‎changeyourreality‬ fitness is to get you to take off those funky sunglasses, be able to really see life as it is, and believe you are of great worth. 
I have encouraged you to stand at the door of your thought life. Do not let any thoughts in that are not of you. The icky thoughts start out as a drop, create a stream, and then become a cascade of powerful gobbledegook. This creates a channel in your brain and in your life. That is when you are in complete agreement about something that was said to you or whatever, that is not true.
For me one of these channels was, "I will never lose weight." I came into agreement with this in a big way. Every diet failed which reinforced the pass/fail mindset and also reinforced this massive gobbledegook. Think of the sunglasses I had on with this thought pattern. This mindset affected the way I saw eating, going to the doctor, dating, health, and, of course, exercise.
Please be an advocate for yourself. Listen to your thoughts and what you say to others about you. Listen for things you always put yourself down about. This often represents a mindset you have believed about yourself that simply isn't true. Listen for things like "I never..." "I always..." etc.
You can, absolutely, change these thought patterns. You can choose to hold these thoughts captive, to renew your mind with the truth, and walk powerfully into the future.
Take off those sunglasses, agree with the amazingness that makes you unique, and run the race.
‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎breakickythoughtpatterns‬ ‪#‎agreewiththetruth‬‪#‎ditchthegobbledegook‬ ‪#‎changeyourmindsets‬ #changeyourreality

Monday, March 21, 2016

Come Alive - Dream!

#‎mindsetmonday‬ Do you find yourself focused on what the world, your parents, your spouse, your boss, your coworkers, or your relatives say you should be? 
What if you were to spend a few minutes and think about this instead.... what makes you come alive?? 
Friends, the world needs people who are truly alive!! So, what makes you come alive? 
To start thinking I want you to ponder these questions: Where does your heart long to go on vacation? What cities does your heart feel happiest when you think about or visit? What population of people do you truly enjoy? [For me, my population is children of all ages]. What activities make you come alive? If you could do any job, what would you feel the most content in?
Why not spend a few moments each day for the next week and just daydream? Think about if you could be anywhere, with anyone, doing anything -- what would it be?
Our focus for this group is fitness. So, I have always said it is important to find at least one thing fitness-wise that makes your heart happy. What is that one thing that you can do weekly or more often if possible? Now, daydream for a minute, what would make your heart happy to do fitness-wise?
You can choose to ‪#‎changeyourthinking‬ and really dream. By stepping into these dreams, you tap into who you really are meant to be. I know some of you may feel trapped by whatever your current circumstances are, but I want you to take time to dream - you are worth it and your dreams matter! By just dreaming you will begin to see things in a new light and with new hope. Doors will open. Trust me. I am living proof of this. Please, dream! ‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎comealive‬ ‪#‎changeisgood‬ #changeyourthinking ‪#‎changeyourreality‬

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Your Old Movies

The hippocampus is basically the librarian in your brain. It keeps track of short and long term memories. The hippocampus tells us what happened in our lives. Memories that are the most meaningful to the hippocampus are those represented in our heads with pain or pleasure.
Likewise, unresolved trauma is kept track of in the hippocampus.
These memories are movies of your perceptions. All of your recollections are perceptions of your viewpoint. What I mean is, this is your movie. It is the way you viewed or perceived the events. Bottom line, your opinions are not always the truth .
What if you could take the events, the movies that your hippocampus finds significant (these are the things you replay in your head or the stories you repeat over and over to others) and get rid of the emotional anchors?
I think, like sickness/illness (the migraines for me), you can find your identity in some of the trauma or the old memories you replay. Do you ever find yourself saying something like "I was bullied as a child" or identifying yourself as one who was abused? What are the movies of your life?
To truly step into who you are meant to be, we are to leave the past behind. But, how in the world do we do that when these things replay or come up regularly in life? This is where we can go back to our tapping method I demonstrated in the video.
Are you ready to ditch the old movies? Are you ready to stop identifying with your past and focus on the amazing person you are now? If you are, I want you to write down 1-5 of the most significant events in your life emotionally. This would include anything you had a strong reaction to as a child and still can invoke a strong reaction when you think about it or relive it. Everyone has memories that were traumatic. What is traumatic to one, is not to another.
Finally, jot down a few memories that are your happiest. We will use both to help you get free and focus on what is true and real. #freedom #perception #youroldmovies #ditchthegobbledegook #changeyourbrain #changeyourreality

Monday, March 14, 2016

Be Your Own Best Friend

#mindsetmonday What should you think when you make a mistake? If you embrace the fixed mindset of pass/fail, it is always bad when a mistake is made. It is a fail.
But with the growth mindset, I teach the kids a mistake makes your brain grow. Can we apply this to our lives as adults? Could you change your thinking about that event in the past that you relive as a mistake in your life, for instance? Could you note how you have grown from that and just let it go? [Remember holding onto old stuff is brain trash!]
What about the way you feel you have failed on your diet or your fitness goals? Can you change the way you speak to yourself on these things? What if you saw whatever happened as simply a place you are growing/learning and leading you to the next step?
Isn't it really true that you do not fail unless you quit??
So, please, adjust your thinking. Renew your mind. Hold any condemning thoughts captive. Be your own best friend. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend - with love, kindness, compassion, and patience. #beyourownbestfriend #growthmindset #ditchpassfailmindset #changeyourthinking #changeyoureality

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Beauty is a Mindset!

‪#‎mindsetmonday‬ Beauty (from the world's view) is a mindset. What and who is considered beautiful is ever changing. How can one reach true beauty in society's view? Is it not a fruitless search? Is it not like chasing the wind? Beauty is the means by which society deems value, but do we have to buy into that mindset?
I have found that trying to become whatever others say is beautiful has lead to sadness, depression, and self-hatred. When we put down our bodies, hate specific body parts, or say negative things about ourself - is this really life giving or life taking? 
Is this really where we want to be? Striving continuously to become whatever society deems is beautiful at this moment in time?
Or could we choose to shift our mindset? What if we chose to renounce the memories, the thought patterns, and societal gobbledegook that taught us this mindset? 
Here are some steps to do this:
1) Identify the things you are agreeing with. (For instance, I have been in agreement that only thin women are pretty).
2) Choose to hold every thought captive. In other words, think, "Does this thought help me or hurt me?" Then if it is brain trash, throw it away - literally! Take it out of your head with your hand and throw it away. I know it sounds crazy, but it helps. I teach kids to do this all the time at my work. 
3) Replace any icky thoughts with something that is true and real about you. For instance, "I am worth a lot!"
4) Choose to not expose yourself to whatever triggers the most negative thoughts. 
I have come a long way from self-condemnation and self-hatred and now agree with who I really am. I see my value and it is not determined by the mirror or the scale. You are of great value! You are an orginal! ‪#‎renewyourmind‬ ‪#‎changeyourmind‬ ‪#‎mindset‬ ‪#‎changeyourreality